Red Salmon Arts Presents
A Recital of Original Poems with Texas Performance Artist Daniel Llanes
Offering Words about Self, Love, Family and Cultural Legacy
7 PM Friday, 23 January 2015
Earth Culture Dancer Daniel Llanes is an Austin based performance artist and arts educator, specializing in dance, music & poetry. A prolific writer, choreographer and composer, his original offerings are produced live in a variety of venues ranging from one man shows and exhibits to ensemble multi disciplinary productions.
Mr. Llanes is also a practitioner of traditional Aztec folk medicine, a father and a community organizer who uses his art to inspire people to appreciate life, one another and to find the fun in life each and every day.
Dansante Terrestial, Daniel Llanes, es un artista e educador por medios de las artes esenarias, especificamente en danza, musica y poesia. El senor Llanes tambien es curandero de tradicion Azteca, padre y organisador comunitario que emplea su arte para inspirar a la gente ha apreciar la vida, uno al otro y para buscar la aglegria de la vida cada y todo los dias.
This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department. Visit Austin at