Memoir of Un Ser Humano: The Life and Times de raúlrsalinas

Memoir of Un Ser Humano reveals dimensions of raúl “Roy” “Tapón” Salinas’ life that few of his readers and even many of his closest family and friends knew little about. Divided into five sections that mark raúl’s many journeys, transformations, and evolutions, the memoir, a scattered and fragmented collection of mostly unpublished writings is rife with Salinas’ musings, sketches, sweet and bittersweet recollections of his life as a boy become hipster-pachuco, social rebel, drug addict, father, prisoner, writer of prose and poetry become revolutionary. Raúl’s distinctive voice is presented in new ways as we read his many efforts to tell his life’s story, and we are gifted with new understanding of the many layers of this beautifully complex human being. View table of contents here.

Purchase a copy of Memoir of Un Ser Humano: The Life and Times de raúlrsalinas (Red Salmon Press, 2018)

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about receiving bulk/educational/nonprofit discounts for purchases of Memoir of Un Ser Humano. Email us your inquiries at [email protected].

All proceeds of sales of Memoir of Un Ser Humano support the cultural arts programming of Red Salmon Arts. We are the sole distributor of this book. So, we truly appreciate your apoyo in honoring and maintaining the legacy of raúlrsalinas.

Red Salmon Press, a program of Red Salmon Arts, is an editorial collective founded in the 1990s under the guidance of raúlrsalinas. RSP focuses on the retrieval of a people’s literary heritage and the development of emerging young writers/readers through its publications.

Check out and purchase current Red Salmon Press Collection as well as related titles here.

This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.