POSTPONED: Comunidad is Our Resilience: A Plática with Institute of Chicana/o Psychology

Image source: Sam Coronado, “End of the Cycle” (2012, 14/48)

6:00 PM, Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Co-Sponsored by Red Salmon Arts and  Institute of Chicana/o Psychology

In this plática, we will be connecting and re-connecting, discovering and re-discovering the ways resilience is woven throughout our community’s lived experience. Let’s spend some time together honoring ways we have historically and currently practice resilience in our daily lives and strengthen our sense of comunidad in today’s world.

Register in advance for this meeting:…/tJ0ude6upjotGtzpKmiprpW5e6lKJRN2Ojao

Red Salmon Arts is a 501(c)3 grassroots cultural arts organization, with a thirty-year history of working with the indigenous neighborhoods of Austin. RSA is dedicated to the development of emerging writers and the promotion of Chicanx/@/Latinx/@/Native American literature, providing outlets and mechanisms for cultural exchange, and sharing in the retrieval of a people’s cultural heritage with a commitment to social justice.

Institute of Chicana/o Psychology is a community-building entity focused on wellness and strengths of the Chicanx community through the lens of Chicanx Psychology. In our work, we address both risk and protective factors related to the wellness of the Chicanx community, including historical factors of oppression as well as ancestral strengths and wisdom.

COA Resilience

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Resilience
