Cinco de Mayo: Virtual Celebration Commemorating
90th Anniversary of Parque Zaragoza, Wednesday, 6 PM 5 May 2021 FB Live
Poetry by: ire’ne lara silva, Mauricio Novoa, Gris Muñoz, and jo reyes-boitel Music by Johnny Degollado
ire’ne lara silva is the author of three poetry collections, furia, Blood Sugar Canto, and Cuicacalli/House of Song, and a short story collection, flesh to bone, which won Premio Aztlan, FMI: https://irenelarasilva.wordpress.com
Mauricio Novoa was born and raised in Glenmont, MD to Salvadoran refugees. His work has been published in The Petigru Review, Blue Mesa Review, the anthology The Wandering Song: Central American Writing in the United Statesto name a few. His first full-length publication, Memorias from the Beltway is a jointly published by Red Salmon Press and FlowerSong Press, FMI: https://www.mauricionovoa.com
Gris Muñoz is a Xicana of Apache descent, fronteriza poet and storyteller. She is the author of Coatlicue Girl. Her work has been highlighted by The Rumpus, Bitch Media and The Smithsonian Latino Center among others, FMI: https://grismunoz.com
jo reyes-boitel is a poet, essayist, and playwright. jo is also a queer, mixed-Latinx parent working in community, a former music researcher, and novice hand percussionist. jo’s work includes Michael + Josephine, a novel in verse (FlowerSong Press, 2019) and the forthcoming chapbook mouth (Neon Hemlock, 2021), FMI: https://joreyesboitel.com
FMI on Johnny Degollado and his band: https://www.pbs.org/accordiondreams/pioneers/bios/johnnydegollado.html

Sponsors: Amigos de Parque Zaragoza, Austin-Saltillo Sister Cities Association, East Austin Conservancy, Emma S. Barriento Mexican American Cultural Center, Red Salmon Arts