Calendar of Events — August 2015


12:00-4:00 PM, Saturday, 1 August 2015

Resistencia’s “First Saturday” Book Sale!

Join us for our monthly book sale! We’re cleaning out our storage room & dusting off our used/old books every “First Saturday.”

Help us restock our shelves, buy a used/old book for $1!

2:00-5:00 PM, Saturday, 1 August 2015

Feeding the Tiger: Writings on Sex
Led by ire’ne lara silva

$50 to register
20% of proceeds will go to Red Salmon Arts/Resistencia Bookstore.

Contact ire’ne to register: [email protected]

My current prose project has had me ruminating on the division between erotica and literary fiction with graphic depictions of sex. What I find necessary in my work is for the graphic sex to be essential to the plot or to the character’s journey. We will begin with writing prompts inspired by sexual deities from around the world, followed by writing prompts inspired by various art films or favorite novels. Our writing exercises will focus on finding the meaning and profundity of sex in writing. Some recommended films for discussion: Secretary, Nymphomaniac Volume I, A L’Aventure, Concussion, I Am Happiness on Earth….

*Absolutely no one under 18, and please be prepared for open discussion.

All genres and writing levels welcome. Queer and straight friendly. Open to people of all genders.

ire’ne lara silva is the author of furia (poetry, Mouthfeel Press, 2010) and flesh to bone (short stories, Aunt Lute Books, 2013) which won the 2013 Premio Aztlán. Her second full length collection of poetry, blood sugar canto, will be published by Saddle Road Press in early 2016. ire’ne is the recipient of the 2014 Alfredo Cisneros del Moral Award, the Fiction Finalist for AROHO’s 2013 Gift of Freedom Award, and the 2008 recipient of the Gloria Anzaldúa Milagro Award. She and Moises S. L. Lara are currently co-coordinators for the Flor De Nopal Literary Festival.