📚 Join us for story time 📚
10:30 AM, Saturday, 9 December 2023
This is an in-person, cuento time at 2000 Thrasher Lane!
We will feature a reading of Macho No Machismo with author Miguel Antony Briones. @miguelbrioneswrites
Grab your ringside seat to a lucha match generations in the making. Watch Macho Manuel confront the formidable El Machismo y La Machista, as they vie for the coveted title of MACHO.
Agarra tu asiento junto al ring para una lucha de generaciones. Mira a Macho Manuel enfrentarse al formidable El Machismo y La Machista, mientras compiten por el codiciado título de MACHO.
About the author
Miguel Antony Briones is an award-winning educator, community organizer, public speaker, and self-published author and illustrator of the bilingual children’s book Como Mi Padrino. He was born and raised in Central El Paso Texas. Once a young travieso, he now writes about the experiences and culture that shaped his perception and outlook on life. He currently lives in the city of Austin Texas, with his partner and their English Bulldog and perra chiflada La Doña Benson Kenobi (aka La BK de Tejas).
Shout out to @austinbatcave who will join us with their Bat Mobile! 🦇

What’s in the bat mobile?
A library of books for students of all ages! Come check out their hidden writing prompts, interactive sculptures, Zines and more!
Acompaña nos para tiempo de cuentos
10:30 AM, sabado, 9 diciembre 2023
Red Salmon Arts presents a cuento time exploring some of our favorite multicultural stories.
¿Qué hay en el batimóvil?
¡Una biblioteca de libros para estudiantes de todas las edades! ¡Ven a ver sus temas de escritura, esculturas interactivas, fanzines y más!