Bruising for Besos, written and directed by Adelina Anthony, produced and presented by AdeRisa Productions, Allgo Org and Red Salmon Arts. (Filmmakers, Adelina Anthony and Marisa Becerra, will be in attendance for this special community event.)
This community screening will be at Resistencia Bookstore, 4926 E. Cesar Chavez St. Unit C1, Austin, 78702
Bruising for Besos: a charismatic Xicana seduces an alluring Puerto Rican woman only to find herself recreating a tumultuous past.
Bruising for Besos world-premiered with Frameline Film Festival in 2016. In its first festival year it also played at domestic festivals such as Outfest, Qfilms, Cinefestival, Reel Pride, CineArte and international festivals such as South Africa’s Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Italy’s Florence Queer Festival, Australia’s Mardi Gras Film Festival, Spain’s Barcelona Film Festival, Canada’s Pitos Waskochepayis Film Festival and is headed to Argentina. It was also selected for screening at the 2017 Lesbian Lives Conference held in the U.K. It has also screened and continues to screen at select college campuses and conferences.
The filmmakers return to Austin for this special engagement after debuting the film to Texas audiences last year in collaboration with allgo (A Texas Statewide Queer People of Color Film Festival). Austin is home to the queer Texas puppet troupe, Love & Monsters, led by Camille DePrang. Their ensemble work is featured prominently in the film.
The filmmakers purposeful release on National Domestic Violence Awareness month is intended to help support dialogue across multiple communities, especially within QTPOC and POC communities. In that spirit, a post-screening conversation will be co-sponsored by allgo and Red Salmon Arts led by the former Director of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Rose Pulliam.
This film is the first in a series of Xicana Indigenous works constructed as cinematic offerings. The film will be available for purchase online through the AdeRisa Productions Vimeo account on Monday, October 2nd. All monies from the Vimeo sale will go towards the making of Bruising for Besos II.
This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.
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