“Hecho en Tejas” is a series of films produced in Texas. The films are eligible for a Jury Award and Audience Award presented in partnership with the Texas Film Commission (TFC) and the Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI).
We will be in attendance, Q&A to follow screening.Buying tickets early is encouraged to avoid the sell out blues.
6101 Highland Campus Dr, Building 3000Austin, TX 78752 (corner of Corner of Clayton Lane and Wilhelmina Delco Drive)
raúl r salinas and the poetry of liberation: Un Trip (raúl r salinas y la poesía de liberación: Un Viaje)
Dir. Anne Lewis, Laura Varela
A split screen jazz and liberation film based on the words of “Un Trip through the Mind Jail” by raúlrsalinas, written in 1969 in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. The poem expresses lived experience in La Loma (east Austin). The short explores contemporary issues: imprisonment in the jail machine, community destruction and gentrification, the overwhelming force of cultural memory in sanity and salvation, the need for societal transformation.
FMI: https://www.facebook.com/events/212945724896713
or https://cinelasamericas.org/events/hechoentejasshortscompetitionclaiff25