Sun 3/13: Native Roots’ Open Mic Series in Austin


Tired of going to Hipster-centered, Spirit-draining, or Just (too) Weird Open Mic spots in Austin? Come nourish your Voice, Mind and Spirit with Native Roots’ community-centered open floor/open mic @ Resistencia Bookstore!

What’s on the Menu?
Themes include but not limted to:
Music, Movement, & Art
Police Brutality
Boarderland Narratives
Intertribal and Inter-Community Solidarity
Critical Pedagogies

Desirae Harp is a member of the Mishewal OnastaTis (Wappo) Nation from the central coast of California and a descendant of the Diné (Navajo) Nation from the Southwest. She is a singer/songwriter, cultural advocate, and teacher. She sings with Audiopharmacy, an internationally acclaimed world music/ reggae/ and hip hop band. She is the founder of the Mishewal Wappo language revitalization program, and she uses her music to help preserve her indigenous language. She also uses her music as a teaching tool to facilitate workshops on cultural survival, social justice, and environmental justice with indigenous youth across the country.

Diego Romero, a musician and artist from Puerto Rico. Diego’s music contains influence from bolero, bossa nova, son, salsa, Andean folk music, trova, rumba, and elements of hip-hop. He is also a visual artist and muralist, and we are excited that he will be here as a part of our event!

*Create a space of nourishment, cultural exchange, and self-expression.

*Create a safe space to share, have an opportunity to listen to each other. No alcohol or drugs.

  • Build community in homage to Resistencia Bookstore’s principles.

*Provide a showcase avenue for rising artists.

424866_394953180519361_1868583974_nThis project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department. Visit Austin at